Geurt Holdijk

Senior Architect & Founder

Geurt Holdijk is the founder of HOUSE OF ARCHITECTS.
He studied Real Estate (HEAO) in Groningen and one year Art and Architecture History (RUG). In Cologne he worked several years as director of a production and trade company. During the first two years of his studies at the Academy of Bouwkunst in Amsterdam he worked at SeARCH. During his studies he started his own office.

Niene Laan


Niene Laan got a bachelor degree in Spatial Design at Utrecht University of the Arts. She is now in her final year of the Masters in Architecture at the “Academie Van Bouwkunst” in Amsterdam. She finished an internship at M3H in Amsterdam before joining the team of House of Architects.

Avgi Psarraki


Avgi is finishing her Masters in Architecture at the “National Technical University of Athens”. She is currently doing an internship in House of Architects.

Martijn Beemsterboer


Martijn Beemsterboer studied at the Academie van Bouwkunst.

Redir Salih


Redir Salih is currently a student in his 3rd year at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. With the ambition to become an architect he is making a start to his career at House of Architects during his internship period.